Kategorie: Fisch und Meeresfrüchte

Garnelen im Schinkenmantel

Krabbe im Schinkenmantel
Wir lieben Garnelen, entweder als Salat, mit Nudeln oder als Garnelenspieße. Das Garnelen auch kalt als Vorspeise sehr lecker sein können beweist dieses Gericht.

Garnelen für 4 Personen als Vorspeise:

  • 200 g schöne Garnelen (wir hatten Bio)
  • 12 Scheiben Parmaschinken

Für den Dip:

  • 150 g Frischkäse (Exquisa 0,2%)
  • 2 EL Milch
  • 2 TL Zitronensaft
  • Salz und weissen Pfeffer
  • etwas Zitronenschale


  1. Schinken längs in jeweils 3 Streifen schneiden
  2. Streifen um je eine Krabbe wickeln
  3. Backofen auf 120 Grad vorheizen und Krabben auf einem Backblech ca. 10 min garen – die Krabben dürfen dabei nur leicht durchgaren
  4. Zutaten für den Dip verrühren und zusammen genießen

Das Gericht ist denkbar einfach zuzubereiten. Schön serviert aber eine Vorspeise, die Eindruck schindet!

Lachsrolle fürs Fest, Low Carb und Dukan

Lachsrolle Dukan, Low Carb
Lachsrolle Dukan, Low Carb

Eines meiner Lieblingsrezepte aus Dukan-Zeiten ist die Lachsrolle. Sie sieht super aus, ist sehr leicht vorzubereiten und schmeckt schön frisch.

Zutaten für eine Lachsrolle:

  • 4 Eier trennen
  • Eiweiß mit etwas Salz steif schlagen
  • Eigelb mit 4 EL Frischkäse und 4 EL neutralem EW- Pulver aufrühren
  • 1/2 TL Backpulver unterrühren
  • Eiweiß unterheben und auf einem Backpapier ausstreichen (ca 30×30 cm)
  • Ca 10 min bei 180 Grad Umluft Backen.
  • Eine Packung Frischkäse 0,2% mit 1 TL Meerrettich, frischem Dill, Salz und Pfeffer verrühren
  • Auf den warmen Teig streichen, 2 EL für die Verzierung aufbewahren

Eine Packung Bio-Räucherlachs verteilen (eine Scheibe evtl für die Deko zurückhalten)
Eng zu einer Rolle formen, in Frischhaltefolie packen und 1 h kalt stellen.
Vor dem Servieren außen mit dem übrigen Frischkäse bestreuen
Lachs zu kleinen Röschen formen und darauf dekorieren, evtl. mit frischem Dill bestreuen
In dünne Scheiben schneiden und pur oder mit einem schönen Salat servieren


Lachs schwimmt im Rahm


Lachs ist einer der wenigen Fische, die sogar meine Kinder essen. Jeden anderen Fisch muss ich als Fischstäbchen tarnen oder in Aufläufen verstecken.

Eine leckere und vor allem super vorzubereitende Variante habe ich gestern entdeckt:

Rezept für 4 Personen

  • 4 schöne Lachsfilets (sehr gerne natürlich Bio-Qualität)
  • 500 ml Alpro Soja Sahne oder Milram Kochcreme (das ist 5% Sahne)
  • 2 Zwiebeln
  • Gewürz: Cafe de Paris

Zubereitung des Lachs

  1. Zwiebeln klein schneiden und in etwas Öl in einem Topf anbräunen
  2. Mit 1 gestrichenen TL Cafe de Paris oder einfach einer Kräutermischung bestreuen und kurz anschwenken
  3. Sahne angießen und 5 min einkochen lassen
  4. Fischfilets in eine Auflaufform legen und mit der Soße begießen
  5. Bei 160 Grad 30 min garen

Lecker dazu: ein schöner grüner Salat oder Karotten-Locken



Dukan Sushi

Super lecker und voller gesunder Fette:
-Omelette ausSuper lecker und voller gesunder Fette:
-Omelette aus 2 Eiern
– Stremellachs
– Cocktailsosse aus Frischkäse, Milch, Zuckerfabriken Ketchup, Zitrone, Salz und etwas Süsstoff

2 Eiern
– Stremellachs
– Cocktailsosse aus Frischkäse, Milch, Zuckerfabriken Ketchup, Zitrone, Salz und etwas Süsstoff


Dukan Little Black Dress Challenge – Fisch-Quiche

Challenges scheinen in Mode zu sein – überall gibt es Ab-Challenges, Vegan-Challenges, Fit for xy-Challenges…. und jetzt (natürlich) auch eine Dukan Challenge….Das Schöne ist – es gibt auch ein paar wirklich nette Rezepte dazu….. wer also Lust hat bis Weihnachten ins kleine Schwarze zu passen, findet ein paar interessante Rezepte auf der Homepage


Für 4 Personen

Vorbereitung: 10 min, Kochzeit 90 min

  • 300g fettfreier Frischkäse
  • 4 Eier
  • 2 EL fettarme Milch
  • 100 g Kabeljau oder ein anderer fettarmer Fisch
  • 100 g Lachs
  • 1 TL Petersilie
  • Salz und Pfeffer


  • Den Fisch in Würfel schneiden und mit den anderen Zutaten mischen
  • In einer feuerfesten Form bei 160 Grad 90 min garen (ggf. abdecken)

Dukan „Little Black Dress“ Challenge

Challenges scheinen in Mode zu sein – überall gibt es Ab-Challenges, Vegan-Challenges, Fit for xy-Challenges…. und jetzt (natürlich) auch eine Dukan Challenge….Das Schöne ist – es gibt auch ein paar wirklich nette Rezepte dazu….. wer also Lust hat bis Weihnachten ins kleine Schwarze zu passen, findet ein paar interessante Rezepte auf der Homepage


Mixed Fish Quiche

Serves 4

Prep time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 90 minutes

300g of fat-free cream cheese, 4 eggs, 2 tbsp of skimmed milk, 100g cod, 100g salmon, 1 tsp parsley, salt and pepper


Cut the fish into small cubes. Mix the fish with the other ingredients in a salad bowl. Put the mixture into an oven-proof dish and cook for 90 minutes at 160C.


Chicken Noodle Soup

Serves 4

Preparation time: 20 minutes, cooking time: 15 minutes

900ml chicken or vegetable stock (or Miso soup mix), 1 boneless, skinless chicken (about 175g), 1 tsp chopped fresh ginger, 1 garlic clove, finely chopped, 50g Dukan Diet shirataki noodles, 6 mushrooms, thinly sliced, 2 spring onions, shredded, 2 tsp soy sauce, plus extra for serving, mint or basil leaves and a little shredded chilli to serve


Pour the stock into a pan and add the chicken, ginger and garlic. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, partly cover and simmer for 20 mins until the chicken is tender. Remove the chicken to a board and shred into bite-size pieces using a couple of forks.

Return the chicken to the stock with the noodles, mushrooms, half the spring onions and the soy sauce. Simmer for 3-4 mins until the noodles are tender. Ladle into two bowls and scatter over the remaining spring onions, herbs and chilli shreds if using. Serve with extra soy sauce for sprinkling.

Butternut Squash Curry (suitable for vegans)

Serves 4

Preparation time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 40 minutes

200g Quorn mince, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 butternut squash, diced, 1 onion, diced, 2 tbsp mild curry paste, 300ml vegetable stock, 4 large tomatoes, roughly chopped, 3 tbsp fat-free Greek yogurt, small handful coriander, chopped


Cook the Quorn as per pack instructions. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large frying pan and cook the butternut squash for 2-3 mins until lightly browned. Add the onion and the curry paste and fry for 3-4 mins more. Pour over the stock, then cover and simmer for 15-20 mins, or until the squash is tender.

Add the tomatoes and then gently cook for 3-4 mins, until the tomatoes slightly soften. Take off the heat and stir through the yogurt and coriander.

butternut curry, dukan, low-carbPrepare the Dukan hearty butternut curry during the cruise phase of the plan [PH]
CONSOLIDATION PHASEMoroccan soup Serves 4Prep time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 15 minutes

1 tsp olive oil, 1 medium onion, chopped, 2  celery sticks, chopped, 2 tsp ground cumin, 600ml hot vegetable stock, 400g can chopped plum tomato with garlic, 100g frozen string beans, zest and juice of half a lemon, a large handful coriander or parsley and flatbread to serve


Heat the oil in a large saucepan, then fry the onion and celery gently for 10 mins until softened, stirring frequently. Tip in the cumin and fry for another min. Turn up the heat, then add the stock, tomatoes plus a good grind of black pepper. Simmer for 8 mins.

Throw in string beans and lemon juice, cook for a further 2 mins. Season to taste, then top with a sprinkling of lemon zest and chopped herbs. Serve with Dukan bread (bread made with oat bran, wheat bran, egg whites and low-fat quark cheese). You could add some five per cent fat minced beef in your soup.

Pear & spices cake

Serves 7

Prep time: 20 minutes, cooking time: 55 minutes

¾ cup of apple puree, 10g butter 4 tbsp Splenda Granulated Sugar, 1 tsp Vanilla essence, 3 whole eggs + 2 egg whites, 125g (5/8 cup) Ground Almonds, 2 Cups + 2 tbsp Cake flour, 4 very ripe pears-peeled & diced, 1 ½ tsp Baking Powder, A pinch of powdered Nutmeg, 1 tsp Powdered Cinnamon, A pinch of salt


Preheat the oven to 180°C /gas 4. Quarter the pears, removing the core. Beat together the butter, Splenda, whole eggs & ground almonds. Add the apple puree. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, spices & salt.

Combine the flour with the apple puree mixture, mix until just combined and do not over beat. Add the diced pears and transfer into a non-stick cake tin & bake for 50 to 55 minutes or until a knife inserted in the centre comes out clean. Leave to cool for 15 minutes before removing from the baking tin.


Courgette and Feta Cheese Bites – also recommended in the consolidation phase

Serves 4

Prep time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 30 minutes

1 courgette, 1 small onion, finely chopped, ½ bunch basil, finely chopped, 85g (3oz) low-fat feta cheese, crumbled, 100g (3 ½oz) virtually fat-free quark, crumbled, 3 tablespoons Dukan Diet oat bran, 2 eggs, salt and black pepper


Preheat the oven to 220C / 425F / Gas 7 and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Roughly grate the unpeeled courgette. In a large bowl, mix together the courgette, onion, basil, feta, quark, oat bran and eggs and season with salt and black pepper.

As soon as the mixture is nicely blended, place small piles on the baking tray and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. After 15 minutes, turn the courgette and feta bites over. Serve warm from the oven or cooled to room temperature.

Nice recipes from the actual „Little Black Dress“ Dukan Challenge




Prepare nutritious dishes suitable for all stages of the Little Black Dress diet


Mixed Fish Quiche

Serves 4

Prep time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 90 minutes

300g of fat-free cream cheese, 4 eggs, 2 tbsp of skimmed milk, 100g cod, 100g salmon, 1 tsp parsley, salt and pepper


Cut the fish into small cubes. Mix the fish with the other ingredients in a salad bowl. Put the mixture into an oven-proof dish and cook for 90 minutes at 160C.


Chicken Noodle Soup

Serves 4

Preparation time: 20 minutes, cooking time: 15 minutes

900ml chicken or vegetable stock (or Miso soup mix), 1 boneless, skinless chicken (about 175g), 1 tsp chopped fresh ginger, 1 garlic clove, finely chopped, 50g Dukan Diet shirataki noodles, 6 mushrooms, thinly sliced, 2 spring onions, shredded, 2 tsp soy sauce, plus extra for serving, mint or basil leaves and a little shredded chilli to serve


Pour the stock into a pan and add the chicken, ginger and garlic. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, partly cover and simmer for 20 mins until the chicken is tender. Remove the chicken to a board and shred into bite-size pieces using a couple of forks.

Return the chicken to the stock with the noodles, mushrooms, half the spring onions and the soy sauce. Simmer for 3-4 mins until the noodles are tender. Ladle into two bowls and scatter over the remaining spring onions, herbs and chilli shreds if using. Serve with extra soy sauce for sprinkling.

Butternut Squash Curry (suitable for vegans)

Serves 4

Preparation time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 40 minutes

200g Quorn mince, 1 tbsp olive oil, 1 butternut squash, diced, 1 onion, diced, 2 tbsp mild curry paste, 300ml vegetable stock, 4 large tomatoes, roughly chopped, 3 tbsp fat-free Greek yogurt, small handful coriander, chopped


Cook the Quorn as per pack instructions. Meanwhile, heat the oil in a large frying pan and cook the butternut squash for 2-3 mins until lightly browned. Add the onion and the curry paste and fry for 3-4 mins more. Pour over the stock, then cover and simmer for 15-20 mins, or until the squash is tender.

Add the tomatoes and then gently cook for 3-4 mins, until the tomatoes slightly soften. Take off the heat and stir through the yogurt and coriander.

butternut curry, dukan, low-carbPrepare the Dukan hearty butternut curry during the cruise phase of the plan [PH]

Serves 4

Prep time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 15 minutes

1 tsp olive oil, 1 medium onion, chopped, 2  celery sticks, chopped, 2 tsp ground cumin, 600ml hot vegetable stock, 400g can chopped plum tomato with garlic, 100g frozen string beans, zest and juice of half a lemon, a large handful coriander or parsley and flatbread to serve


Heat the oil in a large saucepan, then fry the onion and celery gently for 10 mins until softened, stirring frequently. Tip in the cumin and fry for another min. Turn up the heat, then add the stock, tomatoes plus a good grind of black pepper. Simmer for 8 mins.

Throw in string beans and lemon juice, cook for a further 2 mins. Season to taste, then top with a sprinkling of lemon zest and chopped herbs. Serve with Dukan bread (bread made with oat bran, wheat bran, egg whites and low-fat quark cheese). You could add some five per cent fat minced beef in your soup.

Pear & spices cake

Serves 7

Prep time: 20 minutes, cooking time: 55 minutes

¾ cup of apple puree, 10g butter 4 tbsp Splenda Granulated Sugar, 1 tsp Vanilla essence, 3 whole eggs + 2 egg whites, 125g (5/8 cup) Ground Almonds, 2 Cups + 2 tbsp Cake flour, 4 very ripe pears-peeled & diced, 1 ½ tsp Baking Powder, A pinch of powdered Nutmeg, 1 tsp Powdered Cinnamon, A pinch of salt


Preheat the oven to 180°C /gas 4. Quarter the pears, removing the core. Beat together the butter, Splenda, whole eggs & ground almonds. Add the apple puree. In a separate bowl, sift together the flour, baking powder, spices & salt.

Combine the flour with the apple puree mixture, mix until just combined and do not over beat. Add the diced pears and transfer into a non-stick cake tin & bake for 50 to 55 minutes or until a knife inserted in the centre comes out clean. Leave to cool for 15 minutes before removing from the baking tin.


Courgette and Feta Cheese Bites – also recommended in the consolidation phase

Serves 4

Prep time: 10 minutes, cooking time: 30 minutes

1 courgette, 1 small onion, finely chopped, ½ bunch basil, finely chopped, 85g (3oz) low-fat feta cheese, crumbled, 100g (3 ½oz) virtually fat-free quark, crumbled, 3 tablespoons Dukan Diet oat bran, 2 eggs, salt and black pepper


Preheat the oven to 220C / 425F / Gas 7 and line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Roughly grate the unpeeled courgette. In a large bowl, mix together the courgette, onion, basil, feta, quark, oat bran and eggs and season with salt and black pepper.

As soon as the mixture is nicely blended, place small piles on the baking tray and bake in the oven for 30 minutes. After 15 minutes, turn the courgette and feta bites over. Serve warm from the oven or cooled to room temperature.